Friday, September 23, 2011

The First Time

            The first time is never easy. It’s usually kind of scary and you feel so out of place, so awkward. You’re always thinking about what can go wrong and will I disappoint. In addition to the pressure to perform, you have an anxiety that grows within you, builds as the big day nears. You want everything to be perfect but you feel so hopelessly lost and unsure of yourself and what will ultimately happen.
            That’s exactly how the organizers of the very first Sycamore Township Summer Bash and Car Show must have felt when they made the decision to fill the Robert L. Schuler Sports Complex with cars and music. What they ultimately got, though, exceeded their expectations.
            With nearly 200 cars showing up and hundreds of avid enthusiast enjoying the beautiful late summer day, the show can only be called a success.
            Frank D’Andrea is a long time car enthusiast and while he isn’t a huge fan of car shows, he brought one of his four collectibles to show. According to Frank, a friend of his was helping to organize the event and was worried that no one would show up. “So I told him I’d bring one of my cars over to make sure that they had something here,” he said. Looking around at the number of cars on display he chuckled and added, “If I’d have known so many people would have brought their cars I wouldn’t have bothered.”
            Not that a good turnout was really in doubt. The car show was backed by the Cincy Custom Street Machines Car Club and was part of an all-day event that featured plenty of music and food. The culmination of the whole day was a free concert by Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels.
            With the success of this year’s inaugural show they may need to look for a bigger location to hold it next year.


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