Thursday, September 22, 2011


            When Chevy rolled the first Corvette off the Flint, MI assembly line in June of 1953, they had high expectations but I’m sure, not even the car’s biggest advocate would have dreamt of its monumental success.
            Still, the longest running continuous production car in America, the Vette has undergone its share of make overs. Starting with the first year when a grand total of 300 machines were made, all sporty little two seaters draped in white with red interior. Those C1 Vettes, as they are called, were produced between 1953 and 1962. Their fiberglass body was truly a game changer. And though those originals had a fairly anemic 150 horse power engine, bigger and badder things were to come.
            The C 2 Vettes, made between 1963 and 1967 refined their look a bit, especially the sloping back window on the hard top models and considerably kicked up the power plant. For example, in 1966 they introduced a 427 cubic inch big block V 8 that was capable of smoking most things with four wheels.
            Real cosmetic changes came with the C 3 (1968 - 1982) and C 4 (1984 – 1996) generations. This was a radical new look for an iconic sports car, a look that is still recognizable to some degree in the current models.

            Over the past few weeks we’ve been seeing a growing number of the C 3 and C 4 and even some C 5 (1997 – 2004) models on display. Here are a handful of beautiful Vettes from a recent show. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did.


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