Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Steve Weber's New Journey

            For those of you who have been following this blog for a while you have probably read the various posts about Steve Weber. I first met Steve last spring at the 33rd Annual ACE Car Show where he had a very rough but very unique 1957 S100 International two wheel drive pick-up truck that he had recently purchased as his first project vehicle.
            Steve shared his journey with all of us through the blog, regularly sending me pictures and updates that I would pass along. The posts about Steve’s project are some of the most viewed of all the stories on this blog.
            Steve had told me that his plan was to finish the S100, sharing the progress with me, by the end of this past summer. Unfortunately, as you loyal readers know, his plans were derailed by some personal problems. Ultimately Steve chose to sell the S100, still not completely finished, and meet his qualifications.
            (If you haven’t already you may want to read all about Steve and his S100. Here is a link to the last of the posts about his truck. That story contains links to all of the other posts.
            It is crazy how sometimes things find a way of working out. Steve’s fortunes have turned for the better almost as quickly as they took a down turn. On the day that I posted that last story about how he was forced to sell his S100, Steve sent me an email with pictures of his next project.  The heading on the email was “New Car!!!!!!” All of those exclamation points were his.
            “Here is my new 750.oo project. It’s a 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook 4 door with, I believe, only 14,000 ORIONAL MILES!!!!!  But it as a slight tick in the motor and the last pic is what I am thinking it will look like when I’m done.”
            The pictures here are the pictures he included in the email.
            Steve is the kind of guy who deserves to have good things happen to him. He deserved to find himself in a position to be able to buy another project car and I, for one, am looking forward to seeing how this one turns out. I hope you all as well. Leave a message of encouragement for Steve. Or send me an email at either or and I’ll pass it along to him.


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