Monday, November 7, 2011

Crestview Hills Hot Rods

            As America’s car culture spread at the end of World War II, more and more people across the country were taking to their wheels to get around. Improved roads meant that more people were moving out of the cities and into the suburbs and a burgeoning high way system allowed for people to travel by car across the country to see sites and visit places they had only ever read about before.
            With cars now being seen everywhere it became basic human nature to see whose car could go faster. Younger people, mostly young men full of bravado and without a fear of getting their fingernails dirty, found ways to take older, lighter cars and replace their drive systems with bigger, faster engines. Then they would further tune the engines to reach even greater speeds.
            When this alone wasn’t enough they began finding other ways to modify their cars, stripping weight where possible. This created some new and different looks for car and the hot rod culture was beginning.
            Here are a few hot rods from the recent show at Crestview Hills. This is just a small sample of some of the many hot rod and rat rod cars I’ve shot over this past summer. I’ll be posting more, many more, once the weather really turns cold and all we have left are our memories of the shows of summer.


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