Sunday, September 18, 2011

10 Fastest Cars of 2011

          Normally I don't post a blog on the weekend but circumstances just reared their beautiful head and I felt compelled to do so.
          Josh and I were at a car show yesterday and normally I'm not a fan of new or newer cars showing up. Maybe I'm old school but unless the car is really exotic in some way or other I think that car shows should be reserved for older classic cars.
          The show I was at yesterday had some sponsor booths and sitting at one run by a detailing company were these two lovely cars. The Cadillac CTS-V, which I didn't shoot, and a new Porsche 911 which I couldn't pass up the opportunity to snap a couple of pics of.
           Then, today, I log onto Yahoo and see this article ( and saw that these were the number six and number two cars on the list. I've never driven the Cadillac CTS-V but have wanted to since I saw it last winter at the car show. I have driven a 911, older yes but I'm guessing that one was pretty close to this new one.
          Hope you enjoy this list and the photos.


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