Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dog Sunglasses Buying Guide

Sunglasses or Goggles Style

Do you prefer goggle style or sunglasses style?  Goggle style dog sunglasses provide excellent UV protection as well as protection from blowing debris.  The sunglasses style looks like human sunglasses and may be more fashionable while still providing UV protection for you dog.  Doggles K9 Optix is a sunglasses style while Doggles ILS and Doggles Originalz are the goggles style of sunglasses.


Interchangeable Lenses

Some models of dog sunglasses, such as Doggles ILS (interchangeable lens system) allow you to change the lenses to a different color of tint, or even clear lenses for nighttime use.  You can also get black lenses that block 100% of light for blind dogs.

Lens Features to Look for in Dog Sunglasses

UV protection- This is the main function of sunglasses!
Shatter-proof lenses- You don't want the lens to break and injure your dog's eye.
Anti-scratch Lenses- Dogs may put a lot of wear and tear on lenses during normal use.
Anti-Fog lenses- Especially important for goggle style.
Lens spacing from eye- The sunglasses lens should have space for your dog's eye.  Some breeds have protruding eyes that bulge out.  My Malshi (Maltese - Shih-Tzu hybrid) has eyes like this.  You'll want to choose a style that has enough room so that the sunglasses will not contact the dog's eye.

Dog Sunglasses Buying Guide- Find the Best Doggles and other brands

Can You Really Buy Dog Sunglasses?

Yes, you can buy high quality sunglasses for your dog for under $25.  These sunglasses are designed especially for dogs and typically have two adjustable straps- one that goes under the chin and another that goes around the back of the head under the ears.

UV Protection with Dog Sunglasses

Dog sunglasses provide UV protection for dog's eyes similar to the protection provided by sunglasses for people.  This can be important for dogs that spend a lot of time outside, especially in environments where your dog is exposed to lots of reflected light:  boating on the water, on the beach, or in snow on a sunny day.  This style of dog sunglasses looks like human sunglasses with straps adde.

Dog Goggles: Protection from Blowing Debris

Some styles of dog sunglasses are more like goggles than glasses.  They remind me of swim goggles with an extra strap.  The goggle style dog sunglasses provide protection from blowing sand, dust, and other debris in addition to UV protection.  Military dogs use the goggle style of dog sunglasses when working in environments with eye irritants.  Some dog owners put dog goggles on their dog during car rides so the dog can put his head out the window.  The goggles protect the dog's eyes from drying out and from blowing debris.

Dog Sunglasses for Medical Conditions 

Some dogs have medical conditions that make their eyes more sensitive to sunlight.  German Shepherds and some other breeds are susceptible to an eye condition called Pannus which is caused by UV light exposure. Dog sunglasses are helpful for dogs with Pannus that will spend a lot of time outdoors. As dogs age, their iris muscle may become weaker, which reduces the ability to constrict and reduce the amount of light entering the eye.  Dog sunglasses are useful for older dogs that have sensitivity to bright light.  Dog sunglasses may help prevent cataracts in dogs.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Something Else Different

            The last blog post was about seeing some things that are different when you go to a car show. I mentioned a few names to emphasize my point. But also, keep in mind, that, not everything put on display at a car show has to be your basic two door or four door car. Check out some of these pictures and you’ll know what I mean.
            As always, feel free to leave a comment or drop us a line at We always love hearing what you have to say.

The Latest Steve Weber Update

            Early this spring I met Steve Weber at a really cool car show, the Annual ACE Car Show in Armco Park where he was showing off the beginning of a restoration on his 1957 International S100 pickup truck. Since then he has been giving me updates about his progress complete with pictures. Last month he sent me some updated pictures and somehow they got lost in my files.
            Though he drives it around, he had taken the truck completely apart back in July and this last group of pictures shows how he’s put it back together.
            This is Steve’s first restoration project and already he’s told me that he’s learned a great deal. One thing he has for sure learned is that every restoration project is different but what he’s learned on this one will be easily applied to his next one.

2nd Annual Shriner's Car and Bike Show Part 2

          The Second Annual Shriner's Car and Bike Show held at Quaker Steak and Lube in Milford, OH afforded us a lot of fun opportunities. Not only did we see some great cars and bikes and get to meet with some of the owners, but it also gave us the chance to have a burger in the restaurant.
          For those of you who don't know, and that's probably most of you, Josh and I also dabble in reviewing burger places on our burger blog. Updated far less regularly than this blog, it gives us a chance to check out good burger places around town. While we try to stick to local joints we will occasionally review a chain. Opportunity knocked and we answered with Quaker Steak and Lube. That review will happen in a few weeks since we tend to do weekly posts there.
          From a car show standpoint, the Quaker Steak and Lube, with it's automotive themed restaurant, is a perfect place to meet and show off classic, collectable, and any type of unique vehicle. Watch for the review.
          In the mean time, check out some more pictures from the 2nd Annual Shriner's Car and Bike Show.

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